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How To Safely Move Your Plants Into Your New Home
01 May 2014
How To Safely Move Your Plants Into Your New Home

If you've worked hard to turn your garden into a beautiful and relaxing place for you and your family to enjoy then the last thing you're going to want to do is dig it all up for your house move. If you're moving house and you don't want to risk damaging or killing your plants then have a look at these helpful and handy tips!
1) Decide what you want to take with you.
Although you might wish to transfer your whole garden to your new home, it's not really a practical or viable option. Instead choose which plants and flowers to take with you and make a list so you can stay on top of what it is you're doing. This should be done in as much advance as possible so that you have time to gather necessary materials and pack.

2) Preparing your plants for the move.
Your plants might be in need of a little tender loving care to get them prepared for the move. Start by getting rid of any weeds and trimming any unruly parts. This will make it much easier to transfer your plants to their new home.

3) Digging up your plants.
It's now time to dig up your plants. Take care when doing this and be aware of other plants around you when digging up the roots. You might need to seek specialist advice for particularly rare plants.

4) Finding the right containers for your needs.
Check online or scout out your local gardening centre to find the right pots and plastic containers for this job. Specific plants require specific sizes, so consider carefully which containers are suitable for your plants. It's a good idea to use cardboard boxes to store your plants as they're more breathable than plastic. Pad them out with damp newspaper to provide a secure and safe environment for both plants and flowers. Doing this is an essential step as it will prevent your plants from becoming too dry and potentially even dying during the moving process.

5) Loading your plants into the van.
Your plants should ideally have a flat surface to keep them safe during transit so plan carefully where they'll go if you're using a removal van. You might prefer to use your own vehicle, which is likely to be more stable. This will also significantly decrease your chances of items shifting and crushing your plants too! It's safe for you to close the lids of your cardboard boxes, just make sure you've spritzed the plants down with water first and ensure there are air hole so that your plants can breathe! Make sure any and all boxes are properly and clearly labelled so that they're handled with care. This step is especially important if other people are helping you move and aren't aware of the contents of each box.

6) Re-planting your plants.
Now that your plants are safely in your new home you can replant them! Try planning the layout of your garden before moving day so that you know where exactly everything will go. You should unpack your plants as soon as is possible, and introduce them to the bright light slowly so as not to kill them. Try unpacking them in a dim room and leaving them to settle before moving them into a brighter area.

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